Learn More About the State University of Feira de Santana

The State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) is a public and tuition-free institution, funded by the government of the State of Bahia, under the autarchy regime. Situated in the Portal do Sertão region, UEFS was established as a result of a governmental strategy aimed at bringing higher education to the interior regions, which were previously limited to the capital city, Salvador.

Established by Law No. 2.784 on January 24, 1970, authorized to operate by Federal Decree No. 77.496 on May 27, 1976, and inaugurated on May 31, 1976, UEFS originated from the State College of Education of Feira de Santana in the 1970s, initially founded as the University Foundation of Feira de Santana (FUFS), later transformed into an autarchy through Delegated Law No. 12 on December 30, 1980, and subsequently adopting its current name.

UEFS was officially recognized through Ministerial Order No. 874 on December 19, 1986. It was later reaccredited by State Decree No. 9.271 on December 14, 2004, based on Opinion CEE No. 312 on December 8, 2004. UEFS’s current reaccreditation was published in 2016 under State Decree No. 17.228 on November 26, 2016, Opinion CEE No. 214 on September 27, 2016, for another 8-year period.

The University Campus is located at Avenida Transnordestina, S/N, Novo Horizonte neighborhood, ZIP Code 44.036.900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. The institution also encompasses the UAB (Open University of Brazil) Centers in Rio Real, the Advanced Campus of the Chapada Diamantina region in Lençóis, both in the state of Bahia, as well as other buildings such as the Center for Culture and Art – CUCA, Antares Astronomical Observatory, Antares Museum of Science and Technology, Horto Florestal, Dental Clinics, Xavante Farm, Monteiro Lobato Library, Urban Social Center Clinic, Legal Assistance Service (SAJ) located at the Desembargador Filinto Bastos Forum, Ex-Combatants Building, and the Rio Seco Agroecology Center, all situated in different neighborhoods of Feira de Santana. These locations are not only used for teaching but also for research and extension activities.

Since the 2019.1 academic semester, UEFS has consistently offered 31 undergraduate courses spread across 4 knowledge areas. Out of these, 29 courses are offered semesterially and 2 annually; 14 in the Licentiate modality and 17 in the Bachelor’s modality.

Research and Postgraduate studies are areas that UEFS has significantly developed in recent years. The first Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program was introduced in 1997, when the university was 21 years old. Since then, expansion and qualification have been constant, and today, our programs cover all major knowledge areas. As of 2020, there are 9 Lato Sensu courses and 27 Stricto Sensu Postgraduate programs, including 14 Academic Masters, 6 Doctorates, and Professional Masters, as well as 4 National Network Masters. Additionally, there are 2 Interinstitutional Programs (1 Doctorate and 1 program with both Masters and Doctorate levels).